Series 1

Series 1

In the first series we have launched the sports basketball, athletics, football, tennis and cycling. For each sport we have prepared a skill for the time being.

Athletics Skill 1 – Point to point sprint

This skill trains sprinting ability and boosts the athletes’ speed, agility and reaction times.

Here you will find the video and the factsheet

Cycling Skill 1

This skill helps athletes to choose the optimum racing line, and trains their orientation and balance skills as well as their agility in negotiating the slalom, among other things.

Here you will find the video and the factsheet

Special Series Football: Skill 1 Speed Dribbling

This skill helps to train a player’s dribbling ability and speed with the ball.

Here you will find the video and the factsheet

Tennis Skill 1

Orientation, speed and coordination skills are trained.

Here you will find the video and the factsheet

Basketball Skill 1

This skill trains the ability to throw the ball while running and also helps improve the team’s shoot-reboundpass

Here you will find the video and the factsheet

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